Marketing Your Podcast on Social Media


Welcome to SB Studios! We write these blogs to help educate and inspire individuals and creators on their podcasting journey. From tips on getting started with your first show to helping you grow and scale when you are ready. Contact us at for any questions you may have or topics you want us to cover. This article is about marketing your podcast on social media.

Marketing on Social Media 

Congratulations! If you are reading this article, you have started your podcast and are ready to share it with others. You may be looking to gain some listeners or followers to support and listen to your show, but may not have the best idea on where to start. Now, there are many ways to market your podcast to new listeners but the reality is you may only be capable and have the ability to partake in a couple of the different methods. 

One example is Facebook Ads. This is one of the best ways to market your podcast to new listeners, but then two constraints arise. Who is going to run these facebook ads for you? and what is your marketing/ad budget? Not everyone knows or has the time to learn how to run FB ads or let alone have a marketing budget to advertise their podcast when they are just starting. Many new podcasters have a $0 budget when it comes to marketing their podcast. Mainly because they just started and don’t have a guaranteed outcome on profit or revenue, unlike full production studios who create podcasts shows full time, many new podcasters are starting from ground zero and that is ok. 

So where do you start or what marketing method has the lowest barrier of entry? 

You may already know and if that's the case, we are here to solidify your belief. Lo and behold, enters social media platforms, one of the many creations by men that have changed the fabrics of society and the way we communicate. If you think I'm exaggerating, just please realize that our last most recent president used twitter as a form of communication to the general public… So... back to social media! It is one of the easiest and simplest forms of marketing someone can begin with. It used to be flyers and posters back in the days but those are now digitally created and used and served as ads. 

So when it comes to your podcast specifically you can get as creative as you want but there are a couple tips and tricks that can help along the way. Here are a couple of common questions and our advice:

Should you start new social accounts for your podcast or use your current accounts?

While it may be tempting to go and create a new social media account for your new podcast there are a couple of things to consider.

Do you already have a large following on social media?

If so, our advice would be to leverage your current audience and share and promote your podcast on your existing pages instead of creating a whole new account. A new account would create extra steps for your current following to listen to your podcast, and you don't want to create extra steps to access your content. Thinking of your podcast as an extension of your brand or company is the best way to approach this method simply because you will be able to align your show with your current branding. This will allow for your current following to easily connect and find your podcast and become active listeners. The few exceptions are if you podcast and current branding are absolutely unrelated whatsoever and the target audience are different or if you have a very inactive social media page with little following. Starting a new social account will give you a breath of fresh air to start from scratch, which some people need or want.

Where to start?

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